Running an Event

Here is a list of steps required to run an event, some of the steps may be missed once you get used to running the program. This isn’t intended to be a step-by-step guide but a general guide to follow, so read the other sections to get an insight into each feature.

1) Make sure that any devices that you will be using are connected i.e. AMB system & printer
2) Start the LapsW.exe program
3) The First screen will be shown, create a new event entering any name you like.
4) Click on the ‘Options’ button then ‘Program Setup’
5) Enter a title for the event, set all the times and check other settings. Once finished close window.
6) Enter all the drivers in the event by selecting ‘New’ from the ‘drivers’ menu on the main screen. At the same time you could add drivers from the ‘Driver Database’, read the specific section about the driver database for more information.
7) Once all drivers are entered go to the ‘Tables’ screen and click on sort.
8) Select the number of drivers in each race and continue.
9) Make sure the races are how you want them, move drivers around if required.
10) Click on the ‘Check’ button, if any errors occur then solve them and press ‘Check’ if no errors occur then continue to next step, otherwise start step 10 again.
11) Close the ‘Tables’ screen, at the main screen click on ‘Race’, the race screen will appear and start countdown.
12) Once the race has been setup try passing a transponder across the loop (if using AMB system), the car number should go white, this will ensure the counting system is working.
13) Once the countdown has finished the race will start, continue to run races until the end of the round.
14) At the end of round the ‘EOR’ window will be shown, print off a Position Print if required. Then ‘Enter finals’ or continue with another round of qualifying.

After ‘Enter Finals’ has been selected

15) Sort the finals using the method required then use the ‘Check’ button to make sure that there are no problems. Solve any problems that exist and continue to the next stage.
16) To show the drivers that need to change frequency click on the ‘Freq Changes’ button
17) Close the ‘Races’ window and Click the ‘Race’ button in the main screen.
18) The countdown for the finals will now start.
19) Once all the finals are complete the ‘EOR’ window will appear click on ‘Main Menu’.
20) Once in the main menu click on ‘Options’ then ‘Exit’